happy monday! i hope this day finds you happy, stress free, and appreciating the simple things in life.
the weather here in TX is PER-FECT! not a cloud in this big blue sky, a cool breeze mixed with the warm sun. I am such a nature lover...I think I was meant to be an animal. (in case you were wondering, I'd definitely be a bird. So I could look over the rest of the world below (i.e the picture above), fly wherever the wind took me, and be sure to get in lots of beach/ocean time while diving for fish in every lake, river, body of water I flew across. But I would try not to poop on any cars. That always puts a damper on my day : )
So, yes! I hope this day, in this moment, you are able to reflect on all the good things that are going on in your life, and FULFILLING (rather than filling) your deepest desires and heart.
I thought I'd share a few of my favorite things...a few of the websites that I like to check on daily (and some that I remember to look at every once in a while)...as well as just a few of my other random, favorite things.
I love a great day!...and this simple website...www.greatday.com....is perfect for a little start-your-day motivational thought, or a mid-day pick me up. Whether the message is serious or a little more light-hearted, I enjoy reading whatever it may be, and often find that is it JUST the thing I needed to hear. (or read). Check it out!
To satisfy the inner designer/interior decorator/martha stewart that resides within me and would love to come out (thankfully, they are patiently waiting for the funds to do so) this website rocks the creative side of my brain. www.designspongeonline.com Always good for home decor ideas as well as out-of-the box gift ideas!
Ok, so I am little ashamed to add this to the list. But I have a very strong affinity for shopping (shoes in particular) and the lay-out, friendly employees, shoe department alone, and return policy (it's ridiculous. literally I think you can return anything, at any time. crazy!) of this place just makes me want to shop til I drop! www.nordstroms.com
And one more fun one...dad, I know you'll especially love this one : ) www.opi.com After discovering the beautiful (and much cheaper than getting acrylics put on) accessory of painting my nails...I love covering my pretty little nails with the newest colors, (click on the TRY IT ON box on the right of the screen...love it) and even changing them every few days to match my outfit. Hey, it's the little things in life : )
Like I always say, to a beautiful life. Breath in the fresh air and enjoy your day!
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